23 May 2008

Shut Up, CVS!

I stopped at CVS to get some snacks for Curtains. In the interest of full disclosure, I was buying a 99 cent bag of pretzels and a regular size package of M&Ms. Reasonable, right? I have definitely purchased a much more gluttonous selection of snacks in my life. And I used my CVS ExtraCare card, which means coupons print out periodically.

And do you want to know what coupon printed out for me? Effin' Dexatrim. Yeah, you heard me. Screw you, CVS. My new eating disorder and I will be shopping at Duane Reade from now on so suck on that.

And to add insult to injury, I was snacking on the pretzels while I was walking and some guy in a car heckled me.

What did I do to the universe?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's better that what MY CVS card prints out for me...considering it won't let me change the MISS to MR....