05 May 2008

Cinco de Katie! (and a Schedule Update)

First of all, a very big Feliz Cumpleanos to the lovely Mrs. Murphy on Cinco de Katie! As per the usual, I had a rocking time at their house and am mostly really happy that I managed not to gain a single pound. And not that I didn't try between Friendly's and John's awesome cooking.

And second of all, I don't have high hopes for my blogging abilities this week. A quick review of my schedule:
Monday - Mrs. Fitz and I have Culture Corner plans
Tuesday - I go to Chicago for the day (so jet-setty of me)
Wednesday - I see the trainer again (um, yay?)
Thursday - Jason and I have Culture Corner plans
Friday - my mom arrives for Mother's Day extravaganza - eating and Culture Corner!

I'll do my best to keep y'all up to date because I expect to have good things to report on, but I might not get to updating until later this week. I think that the TV listings will take the biggest hit, so in my absence please visit the TV Guide site. It's never let me down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WHAT! YOU and FITZ have PLANS tonight for Culture Corner - I thought that was OUR thing!