19 May 2008

A Walk in the Park

Alisa was kind enough to meet me at Central Park today for my first outdoor run since my ill-fated "Intro to Running" class at Cornell that started with a 3 mile run across campus on the first day. Needless to say, I finished that class on a treadmill indoors. Though I couldn't run the entire 1.5 miles today, I did run most of it and I'm hoping to do better next time. And yes, there will be a next time.

The most interesting part of the day, was the parade that we stumbled across on Fifth Avenue. Because, why wouldn't there be a parade? And of course, it would be a military parade that we walked into. What else would it be? Here's a couple videos of a marching band. You can thank my cell phone for the awesome quality of the videos you are about to witness.

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