01 April 2008

Opinion: American Idol

Dude - is Michael Johns wearing a freakin' ascot? I think he chose an excellent song (It's All Wrong But It's Alright) and he sounds a little like Peter Gallagher to me (highest compliment ever), so I'll forgive him the ascot because I'm digging him.

Other than Michael Johns, Brooke White is the only other one that stuck out (probably because she sang the awesome Jolene). Carly Smithson and Syesha Mercado were both really good.

Personally, though I love Dolly Parton and totally want to have beers with her, I do not think her songs are good for American Idol overall. I was happy to see that Paula turned in her fingerless satin gloves/evening gown combo for her Easter dress. It sort of pains me to listen to her sometimes .

Also, what the heck Fox? Why do you mess up my DVR with your non-comformist start/end times? If I hadn't been taping Hell's Kitchen, I would have missed the end of American Idol. Not cool, Fox. Not cool.

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