02 April 2008

I'm Such a Sap

As most of you know, it's been kind of a trying year or so for me, with a bit of an emotional overload hitting yesterday. But I was having a pretty good day today - no crying at all - feeling pretty happy about my evening plans. Getting a hair cut, Criminal Minds is back and overall TV in general is promising this evening and I'm going to go buy some show tickets for when my mom comes, and you get the idea.

And then...I see the news that Friday Night Lights has been renewed. And I'm so happy. And then I start reading the story on Yahoo! News and I get to this part:

Executive producer Jason Katims recalled that, four or five weeks ago, network and studio bosses vowed "to figure out a way to keep this show on the air, despite all the challenges of justifying it from a business standpoint."

"And here we are," Katims said. "They did it."

and that's when I get all teary. What is wrong with me? Like, do I really think all these bigwigs in suits were like "come on, we've GOT to make this work." Because that doesn't seem likely.

But honestly you guys, this show, is beyond awesome. I cry (in a good way) at some point during every episode. And if you think you won't like the show because it's about football, you are dead wrong. The football is there, but it's not the point. The point is watching these people trying to navigate life and hitting bumps in the road and seeing all their mistakes and knowing that you made some of the same ones and wanting them to succeed even though they get in their own way and on and on. It's just awesome.

And really the kicker in all of this? The show is airing on DirectTV first (which I do not have) and then on NBC in January of freakin' 2009. So I'm crying because a show I love is coming back EVEN THOUGH I CAN'T WATCH IT RIGHT AWAY.

I need help, y'all. The rest of you should start renting the DVDs of Season 1 and Season 2. And if you don't love it, I will buy you a beer (provided you are of legal drinking age).

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