Wrapping up the weekend all at once. But I have to start with Saturday.
Saturday Night Live (NBC) - Do you have a fever? Is the only prescription more cowbell? I sure hope so because the LEGENDARY Christopher Walken is hosting this week. Don't be intimidated - he puts his pants on just like us - one leg at a time. Except, once his pants are on, he makes gold records. Say it, baby!
brought to you by Dork.tv
Friday First of all, if you like game shows you are in luck because you can turn on almost any channel at some point tonight and catch a one, including a Price is Right Million Dollar Spectacular. Other highlights:
Ghost Whisperer (CBS) - I'm so happy this show is back. I love Jennifer Love Hewitt and her impractical ghost hunting outfits and false eyelashes and her hunky husband and Camryn Manheim. It's all so awesome. This show also makes me cry (in a good way) almost every episode and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Canterbury's Law (Fox) - Elizabeth takes on the case of two high school girls accused of murder. Kids these days!
Numb3rs (CBS) - A shout-out to my Dad. He likes this so I'll give it a pass in the rotation and see what happens.
Sunday Rock of Love (VH-1) - Recipe for success! It's time for Bret to meet the parents.
Big Brother (CBS) - 2nd time HOH Adam will make his nominations. Hmm, will James be one of them?
Cold Case (CBS) - Field trip for Lilly and Valens when they head to West Virginia
Dirt (FX) - An awards show!
Day Break (TV One) - A hostage situtation. So, similar to Rock of Love.
One of the perks of my job is the fabulous mid-town location. Periodically we see trailers and crews in the neighborhood.
Today, Confessions of a Shopaholic was filming just a couple blocks away (left pic). And on Monday, we can expect to see cast and crew from Gossip Girl hanging around (right pic). XOXO!
My Name is Earl (NBC) - A shout-out to The Fitzes - their bro-in-law Jamie appears in this new episode. You might recognize Jamie as the bad guy from any number of shows, but I'm assured that this time he is only bringing the funny.
Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? (Fox) - A shout-out to my Dad who asked me to tape tonight's two hour episode.
Eli Stone (ABC) - Eli's flashbacks give him a chance to say goodbye to his father. This one might be a crier.
Without a Trace (CBS) - Jack goes missing investigating something about illegal abortions and prostitutes in a human-trafficking ring. So, a nice light-hearted alternative to Eli Stone.
Step It Up & Dance (Bravo) - Elizabeth Berkley has been tapped as the host, because she is clearly qualified based on her star turn in Showgirls. I'm going to give this show a shot anyway because the two teams have to learn a Spice Girls dance routine. Tell me what you want, what you really, really want!
As most of you know, it's been kind of a trying year or so for me, with a bit of an emotional overload hitting yesterday. But I was having a pretty good day today - no crying at all - feeling pretty happy about my evening plans. Getting a hair cut, Criminal Minds is back and overall TV in general is promising this evening and I'm going to go buy some show tickets for when my mom comes, and you get the idea.
And then...I see the news that Friday Night Lights has been renewed. And I'm so happy. And then I start reading the story on Yahoo! News and I get to this part:
Executive producer Jason Katims recalled that, four or five weeks ago, network and studio bosses vowed "to figure out a way to keep this show on the air, despite all the challenges of justifying it from a business standpoint." "And here we are," Katims said. "They did it."
and that's when I get all teary. What is wrong with me? Like, do I really think all these bigwigs in suits were like "come on, we've GOT to make this work." Because that doesn't seem likely. But honestly you guys, this show, is beyond awesome. I cry (in a good way) at some point during every episode. And if you think you won't like the show because it's about football, you are dead wrong. The football is there, but it's not the point. The point is watching these people trying to navigate life and hitting bumps in the road and seeing all their mistakes and knowing that you made some of the same ones and wanting them to succeed even though they get in their own way and on and on. It's just awesome. And really the kicker in all of this? The show is airing on DirectTV first (which I do not have) and then on NBC in January of freakin' 2009. So I'm crying because a show I love is coming back EVEN THOUGH I CAN'T WATCH IT RIGHT AWAY. I need help, y'all. The rest of you should start renting the DVDs of Season 1 and Season 2. And if you don't love it, I will buy you a beer (provided you are of legal drinking age).
Dude - is Michael Johns wearing a freakin' ascot? I think he chose an excellent song (It's All Wrong But It's Alright) and he sounds a little like Peter Gallagher to me (highest compliment ever), so I'll forgive him the ascot because I'm digging him.
Other than Michael Johns, Brooke White is the only other one that stuck out (probably because she sang the awesome Jolene). Carly Smithson and Syesha Mercado were both really good.
Personally, though I love Dolly Parton and totally want to have beers with her, I do not think her songs are good for American Idol overall. I was happy to see that Paula turned in her fingerless satin gloves/evening gown combo for her Easter dress. It sort of pains me to listen to her sometimes .
Also, what the heck Fox? Why do you mess up my DVR with your non-comformist start/end times? If I hadn't been taping Hell's Kitchen, I would have missed the end of American Idol. Not cool, Fox. Not cool.
Thanks to Christine for pointing out how the J. Crew loves the Melster. Here's the email she received today: And here's the key part (emphasis mine): I think we can all agree that J. Crew knows what it is talking about.
April showers bring us new episodes picking up where the strike left off. Yay!
First off, thumbs down to the Pussycat Dolls Present: Girlicious, which totally pulled a bait and switch on me on Monday. I was promised some bitches dancing on a boat and instead I got a clip show. Even worse, a lame clip show. And I think the next new episode isn't until April 9. What the heck, man?
Big Brother (CBS) - Eviction night.
America's Next Top Model (CW) - This week is "go-sees" where the girls are given a strict time to return and inevitably, half of them miss the deadline and are disqualified from the challenge. Oh and someone gets hurt!
Supernanny (ABC) - If you homeschool your four children, you might get what you ask for.
Criminal Minds (CBS) - It's back. I've missed it so much!
American Idol (Fox) - Dolly Parton performs.
Top Chef (Bravo) - A film-themed dinner hosted by Richard Roeper.
Men in Trees (ABC) - Guest star Morgan Fairchild! She wants the movie rights to Marin's life. I hope she plays a bitch who wants the movie rights to Marin's life.
Daytime Highlight: Jenny McCarthy on Ellen.
Late Night Highlights: Clooney on Letterman; Steve Carell on Leno.