08 May 2009

The Anniversary of Chicken Parm Friday

Musings readers - as you may or may not know, I recently declared May 1, "Chicken Parm Friday" and asked several of my friends to join in. I'm happy to report that several partook in the new tradition (which might be amended to the first Friday of every month because, well, delicious), but Dangordit took it to a higher level than I could have imagined. The kid does not disappoint. Behold his email below.

Tonight Dangordit and I head to Hotel Murphy to celebrate Cinco de Katie in the manner it was meant to be celebrated. I'm pretty sure the trip is not going to disappoint.

From: Dangordit
Date: Fri, May 1, 2009 at 9:05 PM
Subject: Happy Chicken Parm Day!
To: Mel C.

Thought you'd like these. Hope you've enjoyed the holiday.

1 comment:

DG said...

In case it's unclear, the top pic is the main course, the second pic is dessert.