22 October 2008

Team Chik-Fil-A is, indeed, my jam

Back in September, I was supposed to run a 5K with Molly, Los Fitzes and my new best friend's The Silks as part of "Team Chik-Fil-A, That's My Jam!" but I had to bow out because it was the same weekend my dad was home. Not only did they clean up at the race (check out Christine's recap here and here), the team signed my shirt and brought it back to me.

Here's a pic of the team, minus the lovely Mrs. Silk who wasn't able to run:

And because Mrs. Los Fitz likes a good challenge and a little friendly competition, she's thrown down a Nike+ challenge at the team for whoever can run the most miles in a month. The challenge started almost 2 weeks ago. I've yet to figure out my Nike+ sportband. But stay tuned, this dark horse might make a comeback late in the game...

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