28 October 2008

Jason and I Killed It

Just this weekend, Jason and I were saying how much we enjoy one of fall's new TV shows, The Ex List, on CBS. How it's cute and light-hearted and just a nice show to watch.

And now this:
CBS yanks low-rated `The Ex List' from schedule

In other news, be sure to check out Sons of Anarchy - Jamie McShane started his 3-episode run last week. You can catch the replay of last week's episode tonight at 11:00 PM and then new episodes on Wednesday nights at 10:00 PM.

1 comment:

C Fitz said...

Obviously, I fully support watching Jamie on tv as he is my brother-in-law-in-law, but honestly this show sucks. So watch at your own risk. Or do what I am doing this week...Tivo it and then fast forward to Jamie's scenes.