21 July 2008

Reason Why I Love New York #268: Getting Propositioned in the Cereal Aisle

Nicole and I got to participate in the following scene in the grocery store while looking for cereal last night.

Melanie: Do you see (insert brand name here)?
Nicole: Hmm, it's not on this shelf.
Crazy Cereal Shopping Guy (to Melanie): You should let me take you out. I'm a revolutionary.
Melanie: Um, no thanks. I'm ok.
Crazy Cereal Shopping Guy: Maybe you're not okay and you don't even know it.
Melanie: Um, could be.
Nicole (to Melanie): Don't see it here either...
Crazy Cereal Shopping Guy (to Nicole): What kind of country are you from?
Melanie: This kind.
Crazy Cereal Shopping Guy (to Nicole): You look exotic.
Melanie: Okay, let's go.

End scene.

I love this city.

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