16 July 2008

Odds and Ends

Time permitting, you'll get another post later today. But in the meantime, here are two things I am super happy about this morning.

1. Sudafed - Felt like complete crap when I woke up this morning - took some Sudafed about an hour ago and already feel like a new woman. That stuff is totally worth showing ID and signing a log book to own. Shame on all those meth labs that almost ruined it for all of us.

2. The Gord Report - Excellent blog by my friend Dan Gordon. It doesn't appear that he updates super regularly, but when he does, it's good. Also - who doesn't love funny boys who post shirtless photos? I'd say the shirtless photos (and video of push-ups) are about 98% of the reason I check out his site - the rapier sharp wit is the other 2%.

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