31 July 2008

The Universe is Just Phoning It In

According to MSN.com, my horoscope for today is the same as yesterday. Can that be? Doesn't seem right to me.

Generally speaking, this should be quite a good day for you, dear Pisces. You should have no problem setting a fast pace and sticking to it. There are opportunities in the strange and bizarre. Don't limit yourself by thinking narrow-mindedly. Let the electricity of the day lighten up the atmosphere and give your attitude the jolt it needs to get back on target. Be open to new ideas.

Who Doesn't Love Dwight?

Rainn Wilson in TimeOutNY's Hot Seat.

I Volunteer for the Clinical Trial in Humans

30 July 2008

Song Obsession: Pump Up the Volume by MARRS

Love this song, but really, the cutting-edge video is priceless.

Book Corner: I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell by Tucker Max

I'll admit it. I picked up this book because I loved the title. And I'm so glad I did because it ended up being both the funniest and most disturbing book I've read in sometime. The book details the exploits of Tucker Max and his friends. Whatever wild stunts you may have pulled back in the day are nothing compared to what he details here. He and his friends have taken debauchery to an entirely different level. Alcohol has a prominent place in most stories (doesn't it always?). He seems to approach life with a "let's see what I can get away with" attitude - and shockingly, the answer is a lot.

I definitely read most stories with a mix of disgust and amusement. He's a pig, no doubt - but so amusing at the same time - mostly because I don't know him. The book is not for the faint of heart - it certainly earned its parental advisory label here - but it also made me laugh out loud a couple of times. Which is unfortunate because I read most of it on an airplane...

29 July 2008

I'm a Philadelphia Tourist - Part I: The Philadelphia Zoo

A special thanks to the Murphy Family for meeting me at the Philadelphia Zoo this weekend. I had a great time and hopefully they did as well. Also, I highly recommend the Philadelphia Zoo and the $2 trolley that they run from 30th Street Station and Independence Hall. Excellent value.

Some highlights:

Check out how the Smartest Elephant EVER takes an ingenious approach to quenching his thirst. (give it about 30 seconds to get to the good part).

The full experience - in pictures.

28 July 2008

When Voting, It's Important to Make an Informed Decision

Which is why Mrs. Los Fitz asked for a picture of my current color scheme in my apartment. She takes her civic duty very seriously, as should all of you. I'd like to hang the picture in question above my couch - and here's what my couch looks like.

Also, I should probably note that the picture is of the Cornell clock tower.

A Poll For My Dear Readers

So, I've been meaning to decorate my apartment for the past...3.5 years or so, but especially since I got my new furniture. I've been looking at this print for quite some time but just can't seem to pull the trigger. Is it my fear of commitment or is it because this print isn't for me? You be the judge.

High Above
A limited edition print of an original oil painting by artist
Muli Tang

Image size 17”x26”
Paper size 22”x28”
Edition limited to 1,000
Signed and numbered
On acid-free, fine art paper
Should I buy this print for my apartment?
Yes, it's about damn time you decorate.
No. You need to decorate, but not with that.
No. Your place already has enough going on.
pollcode.com free polls
The final tally at 10:00 AM on Friday morning wins.

25 July 2008

Los Fitzes Have a New Section: Drew's Views

So, Mr. Los Fitz has thrown his hat into the blogging ring with the ever-lovely Mrs. Los Fitz. And ladies and gentlemen - it was well worth the wait. Behold:

Drew's Views: Yanks-Sawx

I dare you to read it without laughing out loud...

It's All Coming Together - Maybe

Oh no! So much pressure now to make sure I'm in the right place at the right time today.

A lucky break of some kind, or the attainment of a long-desired goal, could bring about sudden beneficial changes in your lifestyle. A change of scene or abode might possibly be involved. Your living conditions could be improved, dear Pisces, and new and influential friends could come into your life. This is definitely the day to expect the unexpected, when you might find yourself in the right place at the right time to meet the right person. Go with the flow!

And I didn't read it until after I got to work. What if I've already missed the unexpected? Thanks a lot MSN.Com horoscope. Though, I should be thankful it's not telling me I'm full of rage again like last week.

Listening Lounge Farewell: Duffy

Is anyone surprised that I love the feel of this video?

Thanks for the memories, Duffy.

24 July 2008

Schedule Swap

So, this week CBS is swapping Swingtown and Flashpoint. You'll find Flashpoint tonight at 10 Eastern and Swingtown is now sizzling up Friday nights at 10...

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Fitz!

A few years ago (I'm not saying how many), the world was blessed by the arrival of the lovely Mrs. Fitz. I hope she has a great day today (it's rainy, but it's finally cooled down) and I look forward to treating her to cupcakes from the Buttercup Bakeshop.

Happy Birthday, Christine!

Head on over to FitzBlog to send your own birthday wishes her way.

22 July 2008

Ladies & Gentleman - GEORGE MICHAEL!

Last night I was lucky enough to see an excellent George Michael concert at Madison Square Garden. I had hoped to post a video or two, but I think the files are too large. I'll keep trying, but wanted to get the pictures up.

21 July 2008

Reason Why I Love New York #268: Getting Propositioned in the Cereal Aisle

Nicole and I got to participate in the following scene in the grocery store while looking for cereal last night.

Melanie: Do you see (insert brand name here)?
Nicole: Hmm, it's not on this shelf.
Crazy Cereal Shopping Guy (to Melanie): You should let me take you out. I'm a revolutionary.
Melanie: Um, no thanks. I'm ok.
Crazy Cereal Shopping Guy: Maybe you're not okay and you don't even know it.
Melanie: Um, could be.
Nicole (to Melanie): Don't see it here either...
Crazy Cereal Shopping Guy (to Nicole): What kind of country are you from?
Melanie: This kind.
Crazy Cereal Shopping Guy (to Nicole): You look exotic.
Melanie: Okay, let's go.

End scene.

I love this city.

Reason Why I Love Queens #594: The Multi-Cultural Beer Tour Continues!

You may recall, Boca Mas AnchAHHH. I continue my Spanish language education with these recent additions to Why I Love Queens (and really, why I love beer advertisements).

I think this means - when the mountains are blue, please drink me because it pains me to be so cold.

And I am sure that Heineken would like you to know it is delicious. And something else too.

And - it's not just Queens...this is from my trip to the Bronx!

That means - drink Bud Light after the game. Or during the game. Or maybe before. That was my own personal interpretation, at least.

18 July 2008

Lazy Blogging

Today, I leave it to the professionals. Some call it lazy, but I call it genius.

Shirtless Dan Gordon has a new post. Apparently, he's taken umbrage with my suggestion that he doesn't update that regularly (even going so far as to cite his July statistics) and may be on some sort of crusade to prove me wrong so it looks like my evil plan might be working. Time will tell. No new shirtless photos or push-up videos (though you can still see the old ones, thankfully), but the rapier sharp wit is in full effect.

Los Fitzes posted some excellent videos of their little guy, Max, and his latest tricks as well as their own latest trick - ziplining in Costa Rica. Honestly, how can I compete with that?

Friday bonus for me? Looks like Kristen and I might hit Crave on 42nd after work. In case you don't recall how that worked out for me last time, here's a reminder.

17 July 2008

Aaaawww, Yeah!

A little stroll down memory lane to some of the best sketch comedy ever. The quality of the video isn't fantastic, but the quality of the comedy is definitely number one.

Love Seat:

$240 Worth of Pudding:

TV Update - Belated, But You Can Catch Up (Mostly)

So, I've been neglecting summer television listings because there generally hasn't been much to report. That's changed greatly since my last update.

The Closer (TNT) - Started this week, but will be rerun a couple times before the next new episode on Monday.

The Cleaner (A&E) - A new series starring the yummy Benjamin Bratt. That alone is worth the price of admission (which is free because it's on TV, but even if you had to pay, he's worth it). Tuesday nights.

Flashpoint (CBS) - Friday night series starring the pink Power Ranger (you might know her from Felicity) and Enrico Colantoni. I think it's about Toronto hostage negotiators or SWAT or something. I missed the first episode (last Friday) but I think it's on CBS.com if you want to catch up before the next one airs on Friday.

Shear Genius (Bravo) - this started a couple week's ago, but it's Bravo. You should be able to catch a marathon at some point and be all caught up.

Project Runway (Bravo) - just started last night. You'll definitely be able to catch up. The first challenge involved being innovative at the grocery store.

Burn Notice (USA) - Sort of like a one-man A-Team which started its second season last week. And the lead character is so steamy hot, he makes Benjamin Bratt look homely.

Big Brother (CBS) - First eviction was last night, but it's only two episodes in. If you want, you can catch up.

Run's House (MTV) - kind of just a regular feel-good show. About really rich people.

Monk (USA) - New episodes start this Friday

Psych (USA) - I cannot recommend this show enough. New episodes start this Friday.

16 July 2008

Apparently, I'm Still Full of Hostility

Sorry to continue with the MSN.com horoscopes, but I am just so amused at how hostile they are lately. Here's today's:

It will be hard for you to get control of your thoughts today, dear Pisces. More than likely, your thinking is very haphazard. Your mind is off and running in many different directions. You get one idea that instantly leads to something else, and off you go again. People who can't keep up with your quick mind might be left in the dust, but you don't care. If they can't keep up, that is their problem, not yours.

What is my problem?

Odds and Ends

Time permitting, you'll get another post later today. But in the meantime, here are two things I am super happy about this morning.

1. Sudafed - Felt like complete crap when I woke up this morning - took some Sudafed about an hour ago and already feel like a new woman. That stuff is totally worth showing ID and signing a log book to own. Shame on all those meth labs that almost ruined it for all of us.

2. The Gord Report - Excellent blog by my friend Dan Gordon. It doesn't appear that he updates super regularly, but when he does, it's good. Also - who doesn't love funny boys who post shirtless photos? I'd say the shirtless photos (and video of push-ups) are about 98% of the reason I check out his site - the rapier sharp wit is the other 2%.

15 July 2008

Culture Corner: Review of Damn Yankees

Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets...and ladies and gents, Lola apparently wanted an excellent show.

Yes, I may have almost fallen asleep during the first act but it certainly was no reflection on the quality of the play. My only critique is that the musical numbers seemed a little more disjointed than in other shows we've seen - a little more "and now for the musical number" feel.

Jane Krawkowski is simply stunning and she is excellent as Lola. Sean Hayes is perfectly cast as Applegate - he's a true showman. I wasn't familiar with Cheyenne Jackson prior to this evening, though I'd heard good things about his work in Xanadu. He did not disappoint - pretty talented and very dreamy. And a special thank you to whoever was responsible for him stripping down to his unders in the first act. Yum.

This show is a very limited run, so if you are interested, I suggest you hurry.

Jason says: DAMN! What a good show. A great cast of old favorites and the addition of new ones. I'd recommend seeing this show if you have time in the next few weeks due to it's limited run. Oh, and in case you were wondering, the METS beat San Francisco the same night 7-0! ;)

14 July 2008

Good News/Bad News for Passing Strange

Bad News? Passing Strange will be closing on July 20. If you can, go see it.

Good News? Spike Lee is making of film version of the production.

So glad that Jason and I saw it before the Tony Awards.

Full story here.

13 July 2008

This is What Crossing a Finish Line Looks Like

Details to follow later this week. Caution: May cause motion sickness.

Boilermaker 5K Training Run Finish Line 2008

PS - I just signed up for the Falling Leaves 5K which takes place in Utica this fall. I've got a fever, baby!

11 July 2008

Listening Lounge Farewell: Tom Petty

Oh, Tom. You had a good run. You may have even outlasted Prince (how did that happen?). But, it's time to move on.

Ladies and gentlemen - behold, my new karaoke jam:

Reason #564 Why I Love Queens: Sasquatch Shops at the Same Drug Store

Um, homeboy needs to get this taken care of. See how his neck is super white and smooth and then his shirt is blue and then there's that ring of...HAIR? Ew. Fix that.

Rounding Out This Week in Horoscopes

There seems to be a pattern in my MSN.com horoscopes this week - love and rage. Today, more love.

Powerful feelings of love and passion could prove overwhelming today, dear Pisces, causing you to long not only for a romantic encounter with a lover, but for commitment and marriage as well. A wedding may actually take place - perhaps your own, but possibly that of someone close to you. If you aren't currently attached - or even if you are - this could prove frustrating. Hang in there and love will come - perhaps when you least expect it.

10 July 2008

Cute Kid Alert: Murphy Style

Oh, to be that carefree in my swimsuit. And kicky hat. When I was this age, I got in huge trouble for taking off my swimsuit in the middle of the road.

Um, I Thought The Gym Last Night Fixed My Rage Issues?

Not according to my MSN.Com horoscope. And we all know these things are totally and completely true.

It appears that today, and for the past several days, you have been building up internal tension which has been denied an outlet. As a result, your fuse is likely to be somewhat short. In fact, dear Pisces, if anyone is unfortunate enough to provoke your anger by criticizing your work, you're liable to explode like a bundle of dynamite. Without doubt, there's a storm brewing! Try to weather it as best you can.

Again, don't say you weren't warned if I unleash a can of whoop-ass on you at some point today.

09 July 2008

My Mojo Is Indeed Back (Cause Internet Horoscopes Don't Lie)

My horoscope for today, courtesy of MSN.com.

Today marks the day of a planetary change that will boost your success in the department of love and romance for the next few weeks, dear Pisces. During this time, you will find yourself feeling like the Star of the Ball during every party you attend. This is an excellent time for you to throw a huge celebration in your home or simply spend a great deal of intimate time with a romantic partner.

Look out world! Don't say you weren't warned.

Reason #708 Why I Love New York: Police Horses in Random Places

A horse is a horse, of course, of course, unless of course that horse is parked on West 48th Street.

Jason and I had quite the view from the Mexican restaurant we went to after tonight's show. Excellent photography, I know, but I had to hurry because they were closing the door to take him away.

08 July 2008

From What I Recall, This is What Happened in Vegas (Or At Least - What I'll Admit to on the Internet)

Monday - Flight was delayed, but I finally made it. When I was checking in, I got upgraded to a suite cause that's how I roll, bitches! Opted not to go out and instead, just got a couple beers and took a bath in my giant tub while watching TV on the flat screen TV in my bathroom. Decide I might never leave.

Tuesday - Slept in for 100 hours. Wake up in time to go for a quick run prior to my awesome spiced rum hot stone massage. Leave smelling like Christmas. Take a shower so I can get something to eat. Start at Wolfgang Puck and have a bloody mary, a salad, some crab cakes and four Flirtinis (raspberry vodka, Chambord, Prosecco and cranberry juice). Go back to my room and change before taking myself to Craftsteak for dinner where I have a lobster bisque, rib eye steak and rock shrimp risotto. And a wine tasting to go with it. The waiters treat me to a free dessert sampler - little teeny tiny desserts. I eat myself sick practically and decide I might never leave. Meet up with a friend of Chris and Angela's for a couple drinks and realize that the only thing I should drink at this point is Pepsi.

Wednesday - Slept in a little. Treat myself to Pizza Hut for lunch/breakfast because I am on vacation. Angela and Chris arrive! Chat with them for a bit and then get ready for dinner. We head to the Voodoo Lounge at the top of the Rio and I have scallops. And then a blue drink - my kryptonite. A couple more drinks while we take in the view of the Strip, then back to Mandalay Bay for more drinks at Eye Candy.

Thursday - Spend most of the morning recovering while sightseeing with Angela. We saw most every casino at the other end of the strip - including the fountains at the Bellagio where Chris proposed. So beautiful. Head back to Mandalay Bay so we can get ready for Mamma Mia. Excellent show! We laughed, we cried, we danced and sang. And then we were starving so we went to get something to eat - the best BLT I've ever had. Hanging out after that, I did a little bit of gambling and ended up staying awake all night as I had to check out at 11:00 AM on Friday.

Friday - Let myself into Chris and Angela's room and fall asleep on their couch for an hour. We get up, head over to MGM for chicken salad sandwiches, then Angela and I visit the Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay. During the walk through the hotel, we have to dodge all the UFC fans who are there to watch the weigh in. I am so happy to be leaving before the actual fight night. We change and head to rumjungle for dinner where I order fried plantains and delicious skirt steak. Quite possibly the best meal I had in Vegas. I head to the airport to wait for my delayed flight.

No longer in Vegas, but still having fun, I arrive in Utica for a surprise party for one of my oldest friends. I spend Saturday laughing with people I haven't seen in years and catching up with my awesome goddaughter. On Sunday, I head back to New York and try to catch some sleep.

A few pictures here:

07 July 2008

What's the Universe Trying to Tell Me Now?

I'm back from vacation and will give you an update/recap later this week, but here's an article to tide you over in the meantime. I think those of you who know me will find it amusing as well.

In Praise of Bald Men by Nina Malkin (on MSN.Com)

03 July 2008

Fourth of July

Thanks again to my good friends at Wikipedia, I bring to you some background on our next holiday - Independence Day, aka Fourth of July, aka tomorrow.

In the United States, Independence Day (commonly known as the Fourth of July) is a federal holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain.

Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, picnics, baseball games, and various other public and private events celebrating the history, government, and traditions of the United States, but is often also viewed as simply a summer festival, apart from its patriotic overtones.

I'll be starting my Fourth of July celebration in Las Vegas, but will slowly be working my way back East and spending the rest of my weekend in upstate New York with my family. We'll be missing my Dad, but hopefully he'll have a nice, quiet Independence Day too.

02 July 2008

My Apartment is Palatial But Still Not Meant to House Four Women (and Culture Corner: Review of Wicked)

What happens when you cram four vivacious women into a one-bedroom apartment into Queens? You end up with more good times and laughs than you ever imagined possible. My mom, Aunt Carol and Tiffany all came to visit a couple weeks ago and while the weekend wasn't without a couple speed bumps (Tiff's flight into NYC was diverted to an air force base for an hour or so while LGA made room for them to land; Carol's return flight was canceled), but overall we had much more fun than we had any business having.

We kicked off the weekend with five kinds of mac and cheese from S'mac. Buffalo chicken (of course), garden lite, classic, Mediterranean and a make-your-own with cheddar, pepper jack and tomatoes. After we had a good base coat in our stomachs, we headed to my neighborhood bar and ordered a tower of beer. Clocking in at 116 oz, Carol didn't think we'd be able to finish it. Um, yeah. She was dead wrong. We made pretty quick work of it and Tiffany and I kept going once it was gone. Eventually, we took our mothers home, tucked them in and headed back out. Cause we are champs like that. I let Tiffany talk me into not one, but two shots and we ate more food and then we headed back by 4 AM.

Up at 8:30 the next morning, and not feeling nearly as hungover as I expected to, we got ready to head to Wicked. Which, y'all? See it. Two or three times. It's a true Broadway production, with all the bells and whistles, but also with an excellent story and a ridiculously strong and talented cast. After the show, we went to Roy's Restaurant and had a decadent and delicious meal including my new favorite - the blood orange martini. Yum and yum.

Everyone was supposed to leave on Sunday, but only Mom (who was traveling by train) was able to really leave. Tiffany and Carol were stuck with me for one more night, which was kind of nice because it gave Tiffany and I some more time for girl talk, which we both really needed.

Photos below. I did my best to put them in order, but you'll see the ones from Friday night are definitely a little bit out of order - there was only one tower of beer, not two.

01 July 2008

Culture Corner: Review of November

I don't trust anyone, but if I did, I would trust you first.

Women. They have rights, just like regular

Sometimes you have to sell the other fella out for the common good.

Let me start by saying Dylan Baker is genius. You think you don't know who he is, except you totally do because you've definitely seen him in something. Don't believe me? Check. I'll wait. Back? I was right, wasn't I? At any rate - he was so brilliantly understated in his role as the President's advisor. Perfectly dry delivery on every line. He might earn a place next to Kevin Kline and Peter Gallagher on my "People I'd See in Anything" list.

Okay, onto the review. At first, I thought this play was maybe only funny for liberals and since these days I kind of lean a little more conservative, I was nervous that it'd only pull a small smile from me at best. I'm happy to report that was not the case. The actors have a ton of dialogue to hit - including several monologues - but manage to maintain great energy. I am curious as to whether or not there was any ad libbing because a few times the actors appeared to be smirking and I wasn't sure if it was part of their character or not. It could go either way and I think the cast is talented enough to pull off the ad libs. Nathan Lane was good but I had a hard time not hearing Timon the Meerkat as President. Laurie Metcalf is super toned. And talented, which we knew. But I wasn't expecting a gun show from her. And I believe I've made my feelings on Dylan Baker clear.

Anyway, the play was full of F-bombs (not sure of proper spelling of that) left and right. I wasn't expecting to hear more than we heard at Passing Strange but apparently Stew is an F-bomb amateur compared to Mamet. Eventually, I got used to it. It was the use of "dickwad" that startled me most - and also made me think I should work "dickwad" into the rotation. Y'all know I've had a few occasions to use it lately.

Sadly, there's no Jason says on this review because he didn't want to see it.

Want more November? Check out the President's blog.