06 June 2008

Friday Fog

I don't know what my problem is today but I'm fairly unmotivated and can't seem to keep my thoughts together. I am starving but don't feel like eating. Since when don't I feel like eating?

I chose so poorly when it came to shoes yesterday morning and today my feet look like I have some kind of serious disorder. Yikes! And it's supposed to be super warm all weekend - how on earth am I going to keep them covered?

Completed three miles in the park last night. Ran for probably just over two miles. That could be why I'm so tired today.

Watched Swingtown last night. It has promise for summer fun I think. And seriously - I am a sucker for Grant Show's mustache. It should have it's own show.

Nothing too exciting lined up for the weekend. Shopping, drinking, movies, continuing my apartment purge (that is one never-ending project) - just the basics. Possibly the gym on Sunday. A new week means new opportunity for stickers...

Hopefully, I'll be struck with some inspiration over the weekend and bring you some more exciting posts next week.

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