Y'all, Operation Steamy Hot in Vegas is in FULL EFFECT! I leave later this afternoon, but won't leave you completely high and dry while I'm gone. I've got posts at the ready so you'll have new content every day.
If you're feeling especially lonesome, take a visit to the Fitzes' blog. They've just returned from Costa Rica and I'm sure they will have plenty to say once they get settled.
Here's hoping I come back with at least one or two stories that can be posted on the Internet...
30 June 2008
Operation Steamy Hot in Vegas Commences Today!
27 June 2008
Reason #301 Why I Love New York: The New York City Waterfalls
This is at the top of my list of things to do this summer. Well, actually #2 - behind eat Dinosaur BBQ.
From the press release:
NEW YORK: JUNE 16, 2008 -- Public Art Fund, in collaboration with the City of New York, begins preparation for the opening of The New York City Waterfalls, a major new work of public art by internationally acclaimed artist Olafur Eliasson. Opening on June 26, 2008, the exhibition of four man-made waterfalls of monumental scale will be on view until October 13 at four sites on the shores of the New York waterfront: one on the Brooklyn anchorage of the Brooklyn Bridge; one on the Brooklyn Piers, between Piers 4 and 5 near the Brooklyn Heights Promenade; one in Lower Manhattan at Pier 35 north of the Manhattan Bridge; and one on the north shore of Governors Island. The 90- to 120-foot-tall Waterfalls that have been erected on the shoreline will operate from 7 am to 10 pm daily, except on Tuesdays and Thursdays when they will run from 9 am to 10 pm. They will be lit after sunset.
I really love this city.
26 June 2008
My Gym Inspiration (Gymspiration, if you will)
This is how I strive to interact with Russ the Trainer.
25 June 2008
Culture Corner: Review of Passing Strange
Different. Intense. Invigorating. Powerful.
I'm always a little more taken with a show when there are minimal sets and props. In some way, I feel their absence speaks to the strength of the story and the acting. The set for Passing Strange includes a couple tables, some chairs and a band. Wait, let me clarify - a kick-ass band.
The story, told partly in narrative and partly through song, follows "Youth" as he matures. I thought the music was extremely powerful and I was very impressed with all the actors. They had such energy and exuded a lot of passion for the story they were telling.
Parts of it were a little risque, but according to Jason - it's the second porniest show on Broadway. Spring Awakening, you're next!
Bottom line? If you're looking for something unique and a little edgy, I don't think you need to look any further than Passing Strange.
24 June 2008
Last Minute TV Announcement - Celebrity Family Feud
I can't believe I almost forgot. Celebrity Family Feud premieres tonight on NBC! I hope tonight is Team Ice-T.
Japenese Game Shows and The Amish
ABC is all about new shows tonight with the premieres of Wipeout, I Survived a Japanese Game Show, as well as a look into Rumspringa on Primetime!
What is Rumspringa, you ask? Well, according to Wikipedia (thanks, Wikipedia!), Rumspringa (also Rumschpringe or Rumshpringa -- derived from the "Deitsch" (Amish dialect of German) term for 'running around'. -- generally refers to a period of adolescence for members of the Amish religious denomination - a subsect of the Anabaptist Christian movement - that begins around the age of sixteen and ends when a youth chooses baptism within the Amish church or instead leaves the community. Not all Amish use this term (it does not occur in Hostetler's extended discussion of adolescence), but in sects that do Amish elders generally view this time for courtship and finding a spouse.
So, basically, how I've spent the past month.
23 June 2008
19 June 2008
18 June 2008
Underpants Can Be Dangerous, Y'all
Today, I am so very thankful for the Smoking Gun site and the public service it provides.
Behold: Woman, 52, sues Victoria's Secret, claims injury from defective thong
17 June 2008
How Many Countries Can You Name in Five Minutes?
I am so obsessed with this quiz. I've taken it repeatedly and everytime I finish and they show me all the countries I missed, I'm always like "Darn it! How'd I forget Dominican Republic again!"
16 June 2008
Culture Corner: Review of Boeing Boeing
This farce was exactly what the doctor ordered. I'd had a pretty stressful day and needed a good escape. I could not have asked for a better show.
At first, I found Katherine Hahn's speech pattern to be extremely distracting but she evened out eventually and her performance in the second act was brilliant. Bradley Whitford broke character at one point, but I find that super amusing. Mary McCormack is genius as the German flight attendant - she really grabbed the bull by the horns, so to speak. Gina Gershon is great as the Italian and Christine Baranski is inspired, and brilliantly understated, as the French housekeeper. Though a little slow in the beginning, the play definitely started to take off with the arrival of Mark Rylance. His presence seemed to cause everyone to raise their game. He really made the entire play for me. He perfectly nailed the character's attitude. All in all? An excellent light-hearted show that made us laugh from beginning to end.
Jason says: Ladies and gentleman, in this Longacre Theater, there are 16 exits in case of an emergency - 5 to each side, 4 to the back and 2 behind the stage. There will be no need to use them as you will be glued to your seat at this FANTASTIC revival of a Broadway play. Peanuts anyone?
Friday the 13th Couldn't Keep Us Down!
Some excellent shots from our "ladies night" out this weekend. I neglected to take my camera out again after we left the restaurant but it's just as well. I'm not sure we needed the rest of the evening to be captured on film.
13 June 2008
Thinking of You, Dad on Flag Day/Father's Day
This weekend brings us both Flag Day (which commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777 - thank you, Wikipedia) and Father's Day, so it makes sense that my dad is on my mind a little more than usual.
I've been trying to think of what to do to both mark the occasions and honor him at the same time. I think I've decided on doing some shopping for the orphanage that his unit is supporting.
For a couple different reasons, it's been a few years since I've been with my dad on Father's Day. I'm really looking forward to spending the day with him next year. Until then, this post's for you, Dad. I love you and miss you so much. I'm so proud of you and so lucky that you are my dad.
12 June 2008
Oh Me, Oh My! This is Not Good
I do not feel good about this recent news item. At all.
Yikes! Talk about a mood killer...
Reason #476 Why I Love New York: Lucky Brand Jeans Cares
After a hard evening of shopping at the Lucky Brand Jeans store for some more killer jeans, I needed to use the restroom. I think it's generally for employees only, but you spend enough money, you can get access to plumbing. While in there, I took a minute to snap this picture of the sign on the back of the door.
Lucky Jeans cares, y'all. Recognize. Respond. Refer. And buy some expensive, tight pants while you're at it.
11 June 2008
New Thursday TV!
Finally - something worth mentioning will be on television on Thursday night!
We'll see the return of My Boys (TBS) - an excellent sitcom, Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List (Bravo) and Swingtown is back with a second episode (and hopefully, Grant Show's mustache - I am a sucker for that thing!).
I'm so excited!
Reason #342 Why I Love New York: Random Art Exhibits on the Street
Ran into Chris Burden's "What My Dad Gave Me" on my way to meet Jason last night. Don't let my pathetic attempts at photography mislead you - it's kind of neat looking. And it's made with Erector set replicas - which brings back fond memories of my brother not wanting me to touch his "toys." He never made anything this complex though. Lazy.
If you find yourself near Saks Fifth Avenue/Rockefeller Center - take a peek.
10 June 2008
Excellence in Advertising: Hillshire Farms - Go Meat!
Nothing cracks me up like this commercial. The entire series is pretty genius, but this is my favorite. It's from last summer, but I hope they bring it back. I said a beef hot link...
I think you can also watch all of their commercials at the Hillshire Farms website which is, oddly enough, http://www.gomeat.com/. Awesome.
09 June 2008
Scenes from a Bar: I Wouldn't Say I Have High Standards, But I Do Like My Suitors to Have All of Their Teeth
I continued my Reintroduction to Society Summer Tour on Saturday night at my new favorite bar in my neighborhood. It's a totally awesome pub, with excellent bar food and even when it's crowded there's still room to breathe. I went with a couple girls that I work with - one of them started chatting up a guy sitting next to her so the other girl and I were chit-chatting, drinking beer and half-watching the sports on TV. So at some point, this guy who'd been standing next to me asks me to watch his drink so he could go outside and smoke. So I say sure and he says "thanks. don't spit in it." Which, okay. But did he really feel like he needed to add that part? And if he was afraid I'd spit in it, why'd he ask me to watch it in the first place? But at any rate, he came back and started talking to me and the girl that I work with. Here's the general conversation:
Guy: What do you do?
Me: I work for the man.
Guy: Doing what?
Me: Making sure candy bars are artfully arranged on tables.
Guy: You're funny.
Me: I'm not kidding.
Guy: Where's your boyfriend?
Me: I wish I knew.
Guy: I like your haircut. Will you watch my drink again?
Me: Sure.
Me to girl I work with: Is he missing teeth?
Girl I work with: Oh, most definitely.
Me: Awesome.
Guy: Where's your boyfriend?
Me: Still not sure.
Guy: You're funny. Can I have your number?
Me: I'm not giving my number out this evening.
Guy: You're evil. But you're funny. I like you. Can I get your number?
Me: I'm not giving out my number.
Guy: Can I give you my number?
Me: You can give it to me, but I'm not going to call it.
Guy: You're evil. But at least you're honest.
Me: Yep.
Guy: I've been in jail.
Me: Huh.
Guy: So why can't I give you my number?
Me: I told you - you can. I'm just not going to call it.
Guy: Why not?
Me: Cause I'm looking for a silver fox.
Guy: Yo, are you serious?
Me: Yep. As serious as I am about anything else I've said tonight.
Guy: Why would you say that?
Me: Why wouldn't I say that? I would make an excellent second wife for some guy who already has kids and a good job.
Guy: You're evil. Can I give you my number?
Me: I gotta go.
Now frankly, even if he had all his teeth, this would not have been a boy for me. But that certainly didn't help his cause. Oh well. The Reintroduction to Society Summer Tour continues with a couple different outings this week so stay tuned for the next installment!
06 June 2008
Friday Fog
I don't know what my problem is today but I'm fairly unmotivated and can't seem to keep my thoughts together. I am starving but don't feel like eating. Since when don't I feel like eating?
I chose so poorly when it came to shoes yesterday morning and today my feet look like I have some kind of serious disorder. Yikes! And it's supposed to be super warm all weekend - how on earth am I going to keep them covered?
Completed three miles in the park last night. Ran for probably just over two miles. That could be why I'm so tired today.
Watched Swingtown last night. It has promise for summer fun I think. And seriously - I am a sucker for Grant Show's mustache. It should have it's own show.
Nothing too exciting lined up for the weekend. Shopping, drinking, movies, continuing my apartment purge (that is one never-ending project) - just the basics. Possibly the gym on Sunday. A new week means new opportunity for stickers...
Hopefully, I'll be struck with some inspiration over the weekend and bring you some more exciting posts next week.
05 June 2008
Don't Worry, I'll Catch You (or Russ the Trainer Trying to Make My Death Look Accidental)
Because I am an idiot, last night I told Russ I wanted to work my arms and my abs. I pay him - he wasn't going to make me do lunges or squats if I don't want to! To my surprise, he was totally agreeable - and then proceeded to try to kill me. Oh, don't get me wrong, he's wily - we started off slow, doing exercises I'd done before.
But then, then came the part where I was pretty sure it was going to end badly. I'm not entirely sure how to adequately explain it. He went over to the weight-assisted dip/pull-up machine and attached this harness with handles to it. Then he asked me to take the handles and extend myself as far back to the floor as I could go - promising to catch me if I fell (which I wasn't sure I believed) - so that I was leaning back at an angle. Then I had to use my arms to pull all of my body weight forward. Yikes.
This is where the story turns anti-climatic cause I didn't die, fall or get hurt. Well, except for the dull ache throughout my torso and arms. Which I like to think means all of this might be working and not a complete waste of time. I'm actually feeling way more energetic lately and like I might be seeing results. I'm hoping to take a run in the park tonight - we'll see how that goes.
Oh - and Russ still tried to sneak a squat in. But I am too uncoordinated and so wasn't capable of squatting and doing the arm motion he wanted. Take that, Russ!
Reason #215 Why I Love New York...
...because during lunch one day at work, I stumble across this.
And weirdly, the last two are fountains. With the water coming from their eyes. What the?
04 June 2008
Maracas Madness!
Jason, Trav and I hit the town on Saturday night. A nice gluten-free dinner followed by fun at Maracas. We even got the bartender to play along. See for yourself!
03 June 2008
The 2008 Scripps National Spelling Bee (brought to you by Jason)
I was out boozing it up like it was my job on Friday night, but Jason was kind enough to guest blog the 2008 Scripps National Spelling Bee. Everything below is his work. Thanks, Jason!
As it's A-P-P-A-R-E-N-T that I have no life to be home watching TV on a Friday night, the night that Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda hit the big screen, I decided to take that one step F-U-R-T-H-E-R and watch The 2008 Scripps National Spelling Bee.
Here's what I learned:
- I now have C-O-N-F-I-R-M-A-T-I-O-N that I have no life.
- I can't spell for sh#$.
- I'm actually NOT a dork or loser, not now, nor when I was a younger kid.
- In order to spell, I need to B-R-E-A-T-H-E heavy.
- I could never be friends with a Spelling Bee finalist.
- I'm not a numnut, nor know what a "numnah" is.
- If I was an amateur photographer, this would sure be my first breakthrough, I mean, look at the excitement on their faces...imagine being honored for your
P-H-O-T-O-G-R-A-P-H-I-C-A-L genius at a spelling bee. - I still have no life.
- If only back in 8th grade, I E-X-C-E-L-L-E-D more in spelling, who knew that 15 years later, I could've made my television debut as a co-host, AT A SPELLING BEE, to Tom Bergeron.
- I need to stock up on more alcohol for next years Bee B-E-F-O-R-E-H-A-N-D, because I surely ran out this year halfway thru the Bee.
Come on Fitz, I'm waiting for your C-O-M-M-u-N-T. Damn, I'm out...
02 June 2008
Happy (Belated) Birthday, Alisa!
Lucky for me, Alisa's birthday fell during the same week that the Cornell Club was hosting a wine tasting dinner featuring Ellie Krieger and wines from Banfi. We each got a signed copy of Ellie Krieger's latest cookbook and as much delicious food and drink that we could stomach from the list below.
Reception: Marinated Feta and Olive Skewers
Crudite with Herbed Goat Cheese Dip
Principessa Perlante 2007
1st Course: Crab Salad in Crisp Wonton Cups Served on a Bed of Mixed Greens
San Angelo Pinot Grigio 2007
2nd Course: Scallops with Succotash and Parsley Drizzle
Centine Rose 2006
3rd Course: Beef Tenderloin with Rosemary and Chocolate
Cum Laude 2003
4th Course: Seasonal Dessert Selections Coffee and Tea Service
Rosa Regale 2007
We had a really great time. Ellie Krieger is super pretty and nice. And Alisa was sweet enough to bring me a bottle of the Rosa Regale the next morning. Can't wait to break into it!
It really was a banner week for Alisa. A friend of her's had gotten them tickets to go see the premiere of Sex and the City. However, they did not get in line a week beforehand, so unfortunately they didn't get to see the show. The Daily News caught up with her - here's her quote (they must have misspelled her name to protect her identity, but I'm blowing up her spot here):
Alissa Hoffman had taken off work for the day to attend the premiere as a treat for her 27th birthday. "We waited in line 21/2 hours...I guess we'll go drink a Cosmo or five now," Hoffman said.
'Atta, girl! Hope you had a great birthday, Alisa!
Weekly Watchings
The Mole (never watched previous seasons, but slim pickings mean I'll give it a try.); Legally Blonde The Musical: The Search For Elle Woods (With your host, Haylie Duff!)
Moment of Truth (I can't bring myself to watch, but allegedly they are moving away from all the questions about cheating); Hell's Kitchen (Rock is back! Yay!)
So You Think You Can Dance (still auditioning?); Under One Roof (Flava Flav!); Men in Trees; Top Chef (part one of the finale - off to Puerto Rico!)
Jimmy Kimmel (special episode for NBA Finals); So You Think You Can Dance (20 finalists are finally announced); NEW SHOW ALERT!!! Swingtown (Grant Show is a swinger. Hallelujah! Maybe he can move to Astoria...)
Million Dollar Password; Jimmy Kimmel (NBA Finals); Army Wives (Get the tissues ready for season two! It's worth it though - this show is good.); In Plain Sight