14 December 2009

What a Difference a Year Makes

This time last year, I lived in New York City. I was getting ready to go to Utica for Christmas. My father was still in Afghanistan.

Now? My dad came home on New Year's Eve 2009. I've moved to Albany. I have a (wonderful!) new job. I live in a 2-bedroom apartment! Two bedrooms! One for me! One for my stuff! Plus a living room, kitchen and bathroom! And, a driveway! For my new car! And for my parents' car because THEY are coming HERE for Christmas!

Exhibit A: New Car

I see my brother and his family 2-3 times a week, instead of once every 2-3 months. I have a Christmas tree (artificial) that is triple the size of my old tree. I have room to unpack summer AND winter clothes. Or, I would if I had more furniture. Little by little, I'll get there.

It's not all roses. I lost Fred Thompson after I moved here. I miss the city. I miss my friends and being able to meet up for lunch or for a drink after work at a moment's notice. The Fitzes had a baby in October - I haven't met him yet - and do not get me started on how long it has been since I last saw Max.

But, Johnnie Mac and I are looking forward to what 2010 brings. New exciting challenges at work. Friday Night Lights viewing parties with Dan and Char. Trips to NYC for fun and laughs. A visit with the expanded Fitzes. New babies for the Murphy's and LaPage's. ROAD TRIPS! And that's just Q1, kids. If all goes as planned, 2010 is going to be a banner year. I hope you'll stick around to hear all about it.

1 comment:

C Fitz said...

Thanks for the shoutouts. Jack can't wait to meet you, and we know how Max feels about you already!