03 June 2009

Guest Blogger Jason: The 2009 Scripps National Spelling Bee

Once again, everything you read here is the work of Jason.

NEETA IN 2010!!!

Yes, it’s me, yet again, guest blogging the 2009 Scripps National Spelling Bee. Happily, this years Spelling Bee wasn’t on a Friday night as last year, so I was ok with myself for being home and watching it (not that I have any plans for tomorrow night as of yet – anyone?).

As promised last year, I made sure that there was plenty of alcohol on hand. These items included beer (regular and GF of course); red and white wines; juices, soda and teas; as well as some hard liquors. I didn’t partake in all of them, but wanted to have a selection on hand just in case someone stopped by to watch with me.

So in my A-N-N-U-A-L fashion, here is what I learned this year:

S. I still can't spell for S-^-*-T.
Spell (spell) verb: name, write, or give the letters of words, syllables, etc.

P. I should've invited F-I-T-Z over tonight for the festivities - only she would've appreciated it. (At least I think she would, you know, never have met her and all.)

E. I don't have enough vowels in my name to become a Spelling Bee finalist.

L. My goal in the next year is to sit next to Tom Bergeron and provide the commentary for the 2010 Bee.

L. Babies should not be allowed in or near the stage area.

I. I’m happy for TIVO…as I flipped through a lot of the filler.
TIVO (tee-vo) noun: a company offering a branded subscription-based interactive television service that lets viewers program and control which television shows they watch and when; also, the service offered by this company.

N. Melanie should change her last name to Skye-Laine Lobsinger (seriously, at age 13, do you need that many names Serena?) – I E-N-C-O-U-R-A-G-E the rest of you to do that as well. Just think – Musings By MSkyeLL – it has a nice ring to it!

G. Is it over yet?

B. I could never have a blog to keep up with. I can barely come up with text for this tri-yearly one that I cover, let alone on a daily or weekly basis.

E. My word of the bee and I don’t know why – H-U-I-S-A-C-H-E
Huisache (wee-sah-chee) noun: a tropical and subtropical New World shrub, Acacia farnesiana, of the legume family, having clusters of fragrant, deep-yellow flower heads.

E. Neeta Chandak was my favorite of this Bee. Besides being from NY, she took her loss in stride after spelling D-E-R-R-I-N-G-U-E without the 2nd “R”, by comedically adding a “DING” at the end of it, knowing full well she was out!

Overall, not as exciting of a bee (or guest blog) as last year, but then again, can they ever top the prior year?

Until next time, this is the O-N-L-Y Musings Guest Blogger (aren’t you jealous KD?)…over and out! D-I-N-G!

1 comment:

C Fitz said...

I think I would have enjoyed it - thank you, Jason.

Also, I thought H-U-I-S-A-C-H-E
was some sort of fancy mustache.