07 April 2009

The Heat is ON!

I've been talking for a year about how I hope to run the 2009 Boilermaker, scheduled for July 12. Or, roughly 96 days/13.7 weeks from now. I mean, if my 61-year-old father can run it, what's my excuse? No offense, Dad. So, I've been meaning to start training. I've been to the gym twice in the past two weeks, sidelined temporarily by 1. a hangover (week one) and 2. the flu (week two). But I'm hopeful that this week I can really get a plan in motion.

Kate's had good success with Hal Higdon's training plans, so I started there. And then I found a modified (slower) version of his plan here, so I think I'm on the right track.

No choice now. Registered. Crap. Time to do this, bitches.

First milestone? A 5K on May 9 as part of the Cinco de Katie celebration. Or as Shirtless Dangordit has started calling it - Cinco de 5Katie. It's going to be so good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like that the hangover lasted a week. LOL
