30 September 2008

Scenes From the Train: Who Needs HIPPA?

As many of you know, I have the privilege of taking the train when I head to visit most family and some friends. Any time you rub elbows with the masses, interesting things are bound to happen. I present to you Exhibit B (exhibit A happened MONTHS ago and will be told at a later date) - excerpts from a phone conversation had by the guy sitting across the aisle in the row behind me. He actually had the EXACT SAME CONVERSATION about half a dozen times - I think he was calling everyone he knew. Let me also preface this story by saying that I feel very badly about this guy's situation and I hope everything worked out in his favor. But also - he shouldn't broadcast his business ALL OVER THE DAMN TRAIN!

Okay - begin scene:

Hey (insert name here), it's Steve (or whatever). Yeah, I'm not going to be at work tomorrow. I'm getting my prostate removed on Friday. Yeah, the surgery is at noon on Friday at the Cornell Medical Center. No, they can do things there that they can't do in Albany.

Okay - so imagine hearing basically that exact same conversation about 5 times in a row. And you think he's done, and then it starts all over again.

No, they can do things there that they can't do in Albany. The cancer is only on one side, so they can save the nerve. They can't do that in Albany.

And now - now he really takes it up a couple notches. This time he's clearly talking to a VERY close friend.

In a nutshell (and this is when I started to giggle, because honestly how could I not), they can save the nerve and they can't do that in Albany.

But then, then comes the crowning jewel -

Buddy, you need to go to the doctor to get checked at least once a year. And you need to make sure he PUTS HIS FINGER UP IN THERE cause they can feel things they can't see on the scan.

Now, let me just say that I hope his surgery was a success and that he makes a full recovery. Cancer is not funny. But hearing the guy behind you on the train talk about prostate exams for 30 minutes as candidly as if he were in his own living room is funny.


C Fitz said...

I Just threw up in my mouth.

Anonymous said...

...and that is why i will NEVER take the train to Utica!