I'm so excited to meet the little diva-in-training!
Congrats to my gorgeous cousin Tiff and her wonderful husband Chris!
A place to put some of the crap in my head out into the world. Read at your own risk.
I'm so excited to meet the little diva-in-training!
Congrats to my gorgeous cousin Tiff and her wonderful husband Chris!
See if you can spot me in the picture below, representing my family football allegiance.
The football hardly bugged me at all and I had a super fun day with some awesome people.
I'm hoping to get invited back this year. Or at least get a copy of the 2009 cookbook because these people sure know how to do it up right.
This isn't going to be my most eloquent post. I find words to be inadequate today. Eight years ago, the journey my family was on took a sudden turn, as did the journeys of so many other families. I was in NYC that day. My memories are of that. The story doesn't end there. New York City and the World Trade Center was only the beginning.
Remembering September 11, 2001 - a nice piece on remembering at the Pentagon.
President Bush Launches Attack on Afghanistan - I was going to pull some of my favorite quotes from this speech, but realized it was going to be nearly the entire speech. I will pull this "We did not ask for this mission, but we will fulfill it." and this "We will not waver; we will not tire; we will not falter; and we will not fail. Peace and freedom will prevail."
My journey got me to safety that day. Ultimately, it took my father to Afghanistan, but that had a happy ending as well - my family members are all safe, happy, healthy and on US soil today. Not all families were that lucky. And so many families are still in the middle of their journey.
Please take a minute and remember those lost eight years ago and in the time since, as well as those still in the struggle.