Clearly, I'm not that regular in updating the sidebar any more, or since last fall for that matter. I'll be using my new station to update the Listening Lounge moving forward.
24 June 2009
Listening Lounge Farewell: The Mamas & The Papas
23 June 2009
Thunder and Lightning Strike Last
The Summer Sizzle has prizes for family teams – mother/son, mother/daughter, husband/wife, etc., so my dad and I registered as a father/daughter team. Team name? Thunder (my dad) and Lightning (me). Oh yeah, baby! And the team name is especially great because most other teams have names like “Team Smith.” Suck on that, bitches!
Women and men run separate in this race, with women starting at 8:00 AM and men starting at 9:00 AM. I’ve been training for a while and was hoping to run this race in 65 minutes – a 13-minute mile. Respectable pace, nothing to be ashamed of, and great for me as I’ve only run outside a handful of times. So, that’s the goal.
Us, pre-race. So full of hope.
The women line up. I stay towards the back because I want my mom to get a good picture of me (what a blogger doesn’t do for her readers).
Check out my guns!
And then, I can’t catch up. I can see the last couple people, but most of the women are long gone.
You know what happens when you’re the last person in a race? It depends on the race. In some, you get followed by a police car, or an ambulance. In this race? You get followed by a person on a bike. For the entire five miles. A person on a bike right next to me. Sometimes going a little bit up ahead and circling back. Sometimes dropping behind me a bit. Sometimes putting on the brakes on the downhill to not get too far ahead of me. You know what that sounds like? “Squeak! Squeaakkkk! SQQQUUUEEEEAAAKKKK!”
You know what else happens when you’re last and being accompanied by the bicycle? With every traffic checkpoint you pass, you get to hear this exchange:
Cop directing traffic: This the last one?
Bike person: This is the last one.
So, there I am, running along, singing “Gimme Some Lovin” in my head to help me pace myself. And I’m dying to walk for a minute but feel all this pressure not to walk because PERSON ON A BIKE FIVE FEET AWAY!!!! And I periodically lose sight of all other runners, but it's cool because I've got a personal escort on a bike to give me directions - "you're going to turn left up here."
The course is actually kind of neat and takes you through a turnaround in the park about halfway through. As I come out of the turnaround (with my escort), approaching us are two fire/EMT guys on bikes.
Me: Are they here to make sure I'm not dead?
Bike person: They are always late.
EMT bike guy #1: Sorry we're late.
(No joke. That exchange actually happened.)
So, to recap, I'm just about to start my last two miles and I now have THREE PEOPLE ON BIKES FOLLOWING ME. They are very encouraging the entire time - "you're doing great," "I couldn't do this that's why I'm on a bike." But now I'm to the part of the run where I'm a little emotional. It's my first race over 5K. I know I'm last. I'm telling myself that it's okay to be last, no big deal, that the important part is that I'm feeling good and that I'm doing it. And I've got my entourage telling me I'm doing good. And I've got all the checkpoint traffic folks telling me I'm doing good. But the adrenaline is pumping and I'm getting emotional. And I'm trying really hard not to cry, which just makes me feel like I'm about to hyperventilate. It's a vicious, vicious circle. But no way in HELL am I going to let myself cry, because THERE ARE THREE PEOPLE ON BIKES and then it will be a "production." So, I slow down my pace for a couple minutes to try and catch my breath and then just keep on keeping on.
At this point, I'm in the last mile. And I figure I'm probably looking at a 75 minute run rather than a 65 minute run. But then I hear a clock tower signaling 9:00 AM and I think that maybe I'm not as far behind as I thought. And I know they are getting ready to start the men's race. My bike escort (the original) tells me to stay to the right because the race starts/ends on the same stretch of road and she doesn't want me to get plowed by all the men. So I'm in the home stretch.
Hey, Mom! Check out my entourage!
And I'm running, waiting for the men to start running towards me. And then I realize, they are HOLDING UP THE MEN'S RACE UNTIL I FINISH. Are you effin kidding me??? I've got three people on bikes behind me and now 82 men (give or take) waiting for me to finish before I can start? Can this get any more humiliating?
Yeah - see the 82 men lined up, waiting?
Thankfully, the answer is no. The guy who's job it is to start the race asks the men to give me a round of applause as I finish. I turn the corner towards the finish line and finish in 1:02:47 - just over 2 minutes LESS than the time I was hoping to finish in. AND - a perfectly respectable time!
In the meantime, my dad has started the race so I go wait with my mom for him to finish.
And here he is in the home stretch!
Thunder came in at 56:42, making our combined father/daughter time 1:59:39 (if my math is correct).
Note that his official time is different than the clock time.
Pretty sure that is my fault.
The winning father/daughter team time? 1:12:15.
All in all, we were both pretty pleased with our times and with how we felt when we finished.
Even so, Team Humphrey better watch their backs next year, because Thunder and Lightning strike last...
Anatomy of a Table Flip
I'm working on my entry about the weekend and promise it is worth the wait. In the meantime - check out my favorite scene from last week's Real Housewives of New Jersey finale, director's cut. The two-part reunion airs tonight and Thursday (and I'm sure 200 other times) and I cannot wait. If you haven't been watching, find thee a marathon STAT and learn all about "bubbies" and "chuckies." You won't be disappointed.
22 June 2009
Fun at the Seattle Aquarium, Part One
I had a really great weekend at home and a ton of fun at the race with my parents yesterday. And I know I've said it before, but I really am going to try and be better about blogging with a little more frequency.
Here as proof that I'm not just feeding you the same line again, a video from my trip to the Seattle aquarium. The biggest freaking otters I've ever seen. But cute even so. Enjoy!
18 June 2009
Text Message Hall of Fame Entry from My Mom
This just in from my mom. Too good not to share.
billy joel is back on the market. get going. you only have to stay 5 years. do not sign prenup.
She is a wise woman, y'all.
09 June 2009
The Onion Has Video Clips!!!!
I didn't know this, but I'm so glad I found out today. Behold:
Obama Drastically Scales Back Goals For America After Visiting Denny's
04 June 2009
03 June 2009
Guest Blogger Jason: The 2009 Scripps National Spelling Bee
Once again, everything you read here is the work of Jason.
NEETA IN 2010!!!
Yes, it’s me, yet again, guest blogging the 2009 Scripps National Spelling Bee. Happily, this years Spelling Bee wasn’t on a Friday night as last year, so I was ok with myself for being home and watching it (not that I have any plans for tomorrow night as of yet – anyone?).
As promised last year, I made sure that there was plenty of alcohol on hand. These items included beer (regular and GF of course); red and white wines; juices, soda and teas; as well as some hard liquors. I didn’t partake in all of them, but wanted to have a selection on hand just in case someone stopped by to watch with me.
So in my A-N-N-U-A-L fashion, here is what I learned this year:
S. I still can't spell for S-^-*-T.
Spell (spell) verb: name, write, or give the letters of words, syllables, etc.
P. I should've invited F-I-T-Z over tonight for the festivities - only she would've appreciated it. (At least I think she would, you know, never have met her and all.)
E. I don't have enough vowels in my name to become a Spelling Bee finalist.
L. My goal in the next year is to sit next to Tom Bergeron and provide the commentary for the 2010 Bee.
L. Babies should not be allowed in or near the stage area.
I. I’m happy for TIVO…as I flipped through a lot of the filler.
TIVO (tee-vo) noun: a company offering a branded subscription-based interactive television service that lets viewers program and control which television shows they watch and when; also, the service offered by this company.
N. Melanie should change her last name to Skye-Laine Lobsinger (seriously, at age 13, do you need that many names Serena?) – I E-N-C-O-U-R-A-G-E the rest of you to do that as well. Just think – Musings By MSkyeLL – it has a nice ring to it!
G. Is it over yet?
B. I could never have a blog to keep up with. I can barely come up with text for this tri-yearly one that I cover, let alone on a daily or weekly basis.
E. My word of the bee and I don’t know why – H-U-I-S-A-C-H-E
Huisache (wee-sah-chee) noun: a tropical and subtropical New World shrub, Acacia farnesiana, of the legume family, having clusters of fragrant, deep-yellow flower heads.
E. Neeta Chandak was my favorite of this Bee. Besides being from NY, she took her loss in stride after spelling D-E-R-R-I-N-G-U-E without the 2nd “R”, by comedically adding a “DING” at the end of it, knowing full well she was out!
Overall, not as exciting of a bee (or guest blog) as last year, but then again, can they ever top the prior year?
Until next time, this is the O-N-L-Y Musings Guest Blogger (aren’t you jealous KD?)…over and out! D-I-N-G!